Hoffman Services can organize to ship top quality heavy duty lifts anywhere in the world. With our great prices, contacts, and know-how, you can equip your facility with the best heavy duty and light duty vehicle lifts available. We’ve been in business since 1926 and are known for our efficiency, reliability and knowledge.

Contact our international sales representative

  • Longevity

    We’ve been in business since 1926

  • Scope

    We’re a full service company – we sell, install and maintain heavy duty lift

  • Service

    if you have any issues, we troubleshoot and solve them via video conference call anywhere in the world

  • Price

    We source the most technologically advanced vehicle lift in the world and sell them at competitive prices

Learn about our int’l order process

Hoffman Services is the ‘go to’ company in the industry.

  1. How it Works?

    If you already know the lift you want, send us an email or phone us and we will send you a quote. If you’re unsure which heavy duty or light duty lift best suits your needs, again, email or phone us and we can discuss your needs and suggest options. Our team works around the clock so time differences are not an issue.

  2. Payment

    We accept all major credit cards. We do not accept PayPal, Check-By-Phone or COD. The most common method of payment by overseas customers is secure wire transfer.

  3. Shipping Information

    Hoffman Services offers flexibility. You can use your shipping company to pick up the lift or we can organize for our shipping company to deliver the lift. We have relationships with the best in the business offering competitive rates. Hoffman Services also has warehouses located across the United States and can organize to ship from the most convenient location for you.

  4. Installation

    We have rigorous installation methods. These will be discussed with you. If there are any issues, we use video conference calls to troubleshoot or call on representatives across the globe. There isn’t an issue we haven’t been able to solve.

  5. Lift Damage

    Every effort is made to ensure the lift leaves our facility securely packaged and in perfect condition. If there is damage, contact us immediately. If possible, take a photograph of the damage. Before opening the packaging of your lift, please read instruction and warning stickers. Hoffman Services is not a shipping company and cannot be held responsible for damaged caused after the heavy duty lift leaves our facility.

  6. Lift Returns

    We accept all major credit cards. We do not accept PayPal, Check-By-Phone or COD. The most common method of payment by overseas customers is secure wire transfer.

  7. Warranty

    Warranty varies according to the lift or part but it is usually for one year.