Hoffman Services Inc. has always put an emphasis on providing excellent customer service. We feel it’s just as important as the quality of products and services we offer and we want every single one our customers to know how valuable they are to us. New customers Ritchie & Page should now be feeling that as well. We understand that when you’ve got a fleet of delivery trucks that need to get products delivered in a regular and timely manner, getting them fixed or maintained efficiently can be critical. The last thing you want mechanics doing is feeling unsafe when working on vehicles or wasting time fussing around with truck lifts. That’s where we come in. When we come into a new facility, our team of experts does a full assessment and works to get the space equipped with the most appropriate equipment for their needs and then makes sure our customers are comfortable operating them safely.
For us and the Ritchie & Page delivery team, it was quite a treat to see a Bud Light truck up on our Stertil-Koni mobile column lifts. Ensuring that their staff was fully trained on operating the equipment and lifting safely was an even bigger treat. This Bud’s for them!
Find out how Hoffman Services can make sure your lifts are operating at their peak performance.