Heavy Duty Vehicle Lift Safety Tips
You should already be aware that Hoffman Services are big proponents of lift safety. If you’re not, check out our lift safety section. Our friends at Stertil-Koni have produced their own “7 Key Steps to Boost Vehicle Lift Safety in Maintenance Shops” where they outline some important tips for any shops out there looking to ensure a safe environment in their garages.
Here are some of the highlights.
1. Certifications – The ALI Lift Certification Program has made it easy for lift buyers to choose lifts that have been third-party tested and proven to meet the safety and performance requirements outlined in the safety standard ANSI/ALI ALCTV.
2. Lift Selection – Facility maintenance workers should know in advance the weight of the heaviest vehicle they intend to lift and make absolutely certain that the lift selected is certified to meet or exceed that capacity.
3. Vigilance During Setup – Check the perimeter of the lift to confirm that nothing is obstructing its path and there are no hazards.
4. Keep it Stable – Before you begin with mobile column lifts, always place them on a firm foundation and level ground. For in-ground lifts, operators should check that the contact points are properly positioned.
5. Technician Protection – At all times, lift vehicles to the proper height allowing technicians to move about and work comfortably underneath the vehicle.
6. Maintain a Strict Maintenance Schedule – Ensure your lifts receive annual lift inspection by a certified lift inspector.
7. Create a Culture of Safety – Service bulletins, safety messages, and continuously updating technicians’ skills are vital to a smooth-running maintenance facility.
We certainly consider safety to be a top priority and encourage our clients and partners to do the same. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions on lift safety.
Click here to read the full article.